Musician HTML template for music industry - musicians, bands and music blogs The debut album of Tuesday Sweet Blue


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Musician HTML template for music industry - musicians, bands and music blogs Evelyn Burke - Hulla Lounge London


July 22, 2017 GRAB YOUR TICKET
Musician HTML template for music industry - musicians, bands and music blogs Evelyn Burke - New concert


July 22, 2017 GRAB YOUR TICKET

About Tuesday

Tuesday Sweet Blue is a London-based creative artist. She’s been likened to well known modern artists Brooke Candy, Paloma Faith, Tina Turner andJanis Joplin. Tuesday's unique raw vocal has been recognized along Uk and Europe, and been discovered by most popular music magazines and publications. Tuesday has performed as a solo artist and is currently recording final touches to her debut album 'DELTA'.

Sound that inspires

Upcoming events

  • aug 21, 2016.
  • Hulla Lounge London
London Manifesto Late Spring Tour
  • aug 24, 2016.
  • Long City Bar Liverpool
Inspiring Sounds Jazz Festival
  • aug 24, 2016.
  • Lounge bar Matrix, Berlin
Evelyn Burke Quartet - Here Comes Jazz
  • aug 24, 2016.
  • City Square, London
Found raising London - Charity Concert

Past events photos & videos

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